Hi. I'm Ean, a technically-focused product designer & developer out of Boston.

moody.designer@gmail.com | 941-504-0187

My experience

Over the last 10 years I've worked on a variety of highly technical products in the B2B and consumer space. I consider myself a "full-stack" product designer, able to support and lead the design process from early product research through frontend development. I like to think one's true specialty is whatever peers seek their help with, and for me that specialty would be UX/UI design and data visualization.

I'm highly interested in design challenges that get close to novel technology, especially when they require learning about a new technical or scientific domain. I like to get into the details, and believe that understanding the technical foundation of a space is key to effective design.

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Logo for NGP VAN Inc.
UX Designer, NGP VAN
Worked on complex data visualizations and big data, search, web and mobile apps, and the company's first design system.
May 2013 — May 2015
Logo for LastPass
Sr. Product Designer, LogMeIn
Helped helm a cross-platform product redesign and rebrand for LastPass, and developed an in-house design system.
May 2015 — Dec 2017
Logo for PathAI
Sr. Product Designer, PathAI
Designer No. 1 working with biomedical data visualization, AI, and med devices. Led & eventually managed a small design team as we grew from 15 to 150.
Dec 2017 — Sep 2020
Logo for Jambb Inc. (Pronounced "Jam")
Lead Designer, Jambb
Leading design for a creator-economy startup. Here I'm tackling data vis, brand, onboarding, and strategy.
Sep 2020 — present
Design Gallery
UI/UX, Interaction Design, Illustration

Want to get in touch?
Shoot me a message!

You can also email me directly at moody.designer@gmail.com

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